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Whatsapp Yemen v5.42 apk

YemenApp 5.42

  1. Update version 2.17.79 Almarki
  2. Fixed a problem check the number
  3. Some have been added touches to the Theme
  4. AlwatsabIt was added to activate the old interface
  5. Oatsab option instead of the new situation (Alsturi)
  6. Add the new status feature (Alsturi) 
  7. (Exclusively)  The ability to display messages sent from anyone in the group separately 
  8. (Open any group, and then click on any name, and then choose to view messages sent from that person or lighter profile group, and then choose any member and choose to view messages sent from this user)

  9. In addition the new VSAT Alwatsab
  10. In addition the entire Koran Islamic adding his office has more than a dozen sections
  11. The improved appearance of the stories of the prophets to be better than before Add 300 cases ready (Asalamah_hab_vrac_fajr ... etc.) (except Maalik pressure to become your case)

  12. Add an option to get useful sites (religious-students-other sites you may need)
  13. Add an option to download applications from the PlayStation market
  14. Add an option to download videos from YouTube.
  15. Add an option to download applications and games MhlIn addition a special section for sports lovers only
  16. Add a section to change the lines of a full line Alotsab 42In addition to copy Asplash
  17. Add time in the Plus (Settings-analog digital)
  18. Add an option in the list of privacy to prevent the knowledge of any one you saw its status(Exclusively)
  19. Add 5.4 option to place the case with high accuracy(Exclusively)
  20. Add Option 2.5.7 The software will alert you when anyone change his image profile(Exclusively)
  21. You can convert any video to any size animated picture and send it.
  22. The possibility of opening a new chat from the floating button Hide fix encore widget Repair of privacy does not appear the case option
  23. Repair option number 2.4.11 to change the size of the rows in the list of namesRepair send chat by email
  24. Other.

DOWNLOAD LINK :  com.HOWhatsapp

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