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GB WhatsApp Indigo 2.0 (GBWA v5.80) [Latest]

Download GBWA INDIGO (GB v5.80) 


#Based on GBWA plus 5.80
#Modded by Ismael H (ISM MODS) 

 Convenient, quick, simple, pleasant and stable, it consists of the following: 

  1.  Colored with indigo 93% 
  2.  Added centering name chats (option 6.3.1
  3.  More time on video Status 
  4.  Replaced almost all bubbles chat and come in varied blue (Gota, Bryed, Fold, In, Crayont, Nay and 3d) 
  5.  Changed the stock emoji emoji by ONE v3, complete. 
  6.  Added bubble Smoke and Nay By Nairo Mix Material Mods 
  7.  Changed most system icons and colored by indigo teal. 
  8.  Added colorful icons on gbsettings round, and the stock settings (icons exclusive mios) 
  9.  Nice and decorated the About, Lock and Hide Pattern colored the Chats. 
  10.  Added Tick "Single Color
  11.  Changed sound output, input, recording chats. 
  12.  Changed some icons  the Launcher. 
  13.  Changed widget icon "Hide Ultima Hora"and indigo colored the Messages widget. 

 Not know what else to escape but good if you use me see more stuff.



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